Junglim Architecture's Endeavor for Technological Development
Junglim's detail craftsmanship starting from the basics-4Proceeding with quality control, technological research, and various training sessions, Junglim Architecture endeavors for the development of details in Korean architecture by designing more impeccable design and construction and utilizing new details accurately. In architectural design, details are profoundly related not only to securing and maintaining the building performance but also to the design itself and energy-saving. However, the recent trend in which one reproduces the standard detailed CAD drawings without in-depth consideration is reducing the interest in details as well.
To apply details, one should make efforts to figure out the hidden intentions rather than copy the apparent looks. This is because using details without understanding their materiality or characteristics but just focusing on their exterior looks has a high risk of causing defects.
Details can be classified largely into two kinds: the standard details that are widely used in general cases, or the details that are newly developed or applied by transforming the existing details according to each project. Classified in another way, there are the functional details that are good to maintain protecting from defect occurrences after completion and the designed details for which interior and exterior finishing was considered. Also, new details are developed and used according to the evolution of materials and construction methods.
As skilled technicians are gradually decreasing on site, so using designed details would enable us to make more complete buildings. Junglim Architecture is now paying attention to energy-saving and facade development, while the Technology Lab is proceeding with research and development on the advanced details and construction methods of Japan, the U.S., and Europe, and also applying them to actual projects.
With the idea that any design intention should be supported by working design and construction, reduce the defects in the design process, and make it easier to maintain buildings after completion, we have introduced building information modeling (BIM) since several years ago and successfully performed such projects to date. The level of our technological quality is determined in the design process. Junglim Architecture is endeavoring to develop technological prowess, and will continue to grow by developing and applying an organizational and efficient design system.
The Quality Control System of Junglim Architecture
Excerpts from "Begin with the basics, JUNGLIM details of professionalism" (2013)