Centering on the axis of public transportation, the left residential and commercial complex facilities are the area where the urban space is transferred owing to function of life base of the neighboring dense residential complex and the prevention of urban emptiness. The low storied cluster composed as commercial facilities combine the function of residence and commerce in high storied part centering around. With the central role of forming the community value of inhabitants, it is the connecting route that connects internal and external part of life of inhabitants. The central space of block where each cluster interposes and intersects is cultural and strategic device of the city that integrates lives in diverse areas. Responding to avenue on the water area, the community network as catalyst for energetic city that combines residential and commercial facilities and urban district plays the role of promoting the function of urban life and social exchange that coexists with nature The road without stay has low probability of occurrence of certain phenomenon and exists as individual existence. The place of stay becomes the stage for diverse events in the life and produces diverse sequence. Sharing the place of stay between Parkway and green, the residential complex, the entirety that integrates 3 factors makes the environment of life abundant.