Kwangwhamun Office, Hyundai Marine Fire Insurance

Special Information
  • Client Hyundai Marine&Fire insurance
  • Award 2006 Seoul Citizens Love Award Output Prize
    2004 The 13th Korea Architecture Award_The main prize
  • Gross Area (㎡) 23,557.06

As a remodeling project of the 20-years-old building, the main objective of the Hyundai Marine Fire Insurance Kwangwhamun Office project was to renew the corporate image and improve the old office environment. A modern look was achieved by using granite and glass to replace the brown-tone of the existing building. In addition, the use of a gradation on the façade, in which the proportion of the vertical columns surrounding the exterior of the building becomes smaller from bottom to top, gives off a simple yet intense feeling. Although this building has a relatively flat look compared to the surrounding environmental qualities, the Hyundai building expresses a moderate skyscraper form and attempts to present a positive message by concealing itself into the surrounding landscape.

Project Information
  • Region Seoul, Korea
  • Market Remodeling
  • Site area 3,015.80㎡
  • Building area 1,239.28㎡
  • Total floor area 23,557.06㎡
  • Total floor basement level 4floor and ground 18floor
  • Design year 2001year
  • Completion year 2004year
현대해상화재보험 광화문사옥 리모델링
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